Chapter 46

The two men were outside Eliza's apartment constantly.  If not them, then two others.  Someone was always there and it was getting annoying.  Her danger signal was always tingling and it was beginning to wear her down.  It had been several days since she'd been out of the apartment.  Toby needed food and so did she.  She hadn't had a snack even and it was beginning to show.  The normally pale skin had taken on a transparency.  She was weakening and she knew it.  Also she was bored out of her mind with her own company.  She was going stir crazy.   She wanted some excitement, needed some excitement anything.

They knew what she looked like or they thought she did.  It was time to use a little creativity, she thought.  "Now what can I do to get by them and not have then be suspicious," she wondered?

With a smile lighting her wan face, she snapped her fingers.  "I've got it," she crowed.  Moving toward her bedroom, she started pulling clothes from the closet.  Not the usual leather garments she was known to wear, but very girly clothes.  Things she hadn't worn since her librarian days.  Chuckling, she donned a frilly blouse and skirt.  The curling iron worked wonders creating tight little curls in her hair.  Normally she wore it parted and straight, or pulled up on the top of her head.  This would be a good disguise.  She put on soft makeup, instead of the dark she normally wore.  Taking her worn quilted coat out of the closet, she completed her disguise.

Heading out the door, she coughed to give the appearance of someone ill and maybe heading off to see the doctor. 

The two across the street gave her only a brief glance and returned to watching the front of the building again.  Laughing silently, she knew she'd gotten away with it.   Moving quickly, but not quickly enough to draw their attention, she disappeared around the corner. 

Making sure no one was around, she blinked herself to the alley by the store.  Walking in, she waved at the cashier, who grinned and waved back.  Eliza made the rounds and picked up a supply of cat food for Toby and some of the things she needed.  Nothing perishable, because of course, they didn't sell what she needed most.

Walking to the front of the store, she started a conversation with the checker.  Eliza asked if it were possible for the groceries to be delivered.  "I know it's unusual, Eliza said, but I really hope it can be done.  Just go in the hallway and down the stairs.  Just leave them outside my door and I'll get them when I get back."

The cashier paged the manager, who in turn called one of the bag boys.  He told the young man to make sure Miss Radu's groceries were delivered to her apartment and to leave them outside her door.  They were already paid for, and Eliza handed him a generous tip.
Leaving the store, Eliza made her way down the street, again turning into the alley and feeling decidedly restless, blinked herself to the leather club where she had first met Jesse.  It was past time to find out what was going on there.  He'd been putting her off for a while and she wanted to know what was going on.  If they were finished, then the least he could do was tell her goodbye. 

As usual there was the long line of people wanting to get in.  Since the club wasn't that large, there were a lot of people waiting outside, hoping someone would leave and they'd be allowed in.  

Eliza walked to the front of the line, just as the bouncer was about to tell her she would not be admitted, he recognized her.  Laughing, he motioned her on.  As she came abreast of him, he leaned toward her and whispered, "where's the costume party?"

Laughing out loud, Eliza aimed a playful slap at his arm.  "Just hiding in plain sight, doncha know," she whispered back.  "Someone is trying to cause me trouble, this is the way I get around so they don't know where I am.  If you hadn't looked closely, you wouldn't have known it was me, now would you," Eliza asked him quietly.

Still chuckling softly, he replied that no, she looked like some uptight librarian and he wouldn't have known it was the same fun loving Eliza that he knew.

With a smile and a quick, soft caress of his cheek, Eliza walked past him and into the club.

Looking around, she realized it hadn't changed that much.  Still the same beautiful people wanting to be seen and the wannabee's that wanted to see the beautiful people.  

Eliza saw that the small stage was empty, they must be on a break.  It had been a while since she'd been here, she thought.  Slowly sipping her plum brandy, she waited for the band to appear on stage.  The band slowly appeared from the dressing room area and made their way to the postage stamp sized stage.  It was still the smallest stage she had ever seen. 

Watching Jesse, she saw that something was bothering him.  He looked more careworn than he had the last time she'd seen him.  Granted that had been about two months ago, but he seemed different now.

They started to play and Eliza closed her eyes drinking in the music.  Without even thinking about it, she projected to Jesse just liked she'd used to.  Her eyes opened and she saw Jesse start and make a slight mistake.  He looked around and she knew exactly when he caught sight of her for he smiled at the get up she wore.

She locked eyes with him and silently asked him what was wrong.  He tried to say nothing, Eliza overriding him with "I can still read you Jesse.  I know something is."

Jesse answered her back with "Not now Eliza, at the break.  I can't maintain this and play too."

With a nod, Eliza closed her eyes again, immersing herself in the music they played.  She had always loved the type of music played here.  A combination of jazz, disco and good old rock and roll.  She let the beat mesmerize her and lost herself in it.  Keeping time with her foot, she tapped a counter rhythm on the table.

Listening this way as they went from one tune to another, it seemed a short time before the band called for a break.  Actually, several hours had passed and Eliza had realized she had lost all track of time.

Watching Jesse make for her table, she admired him as she had done the first time she'd seen him.   Noticing again the harried, worried look on his face, she wondered what was happening in his life that had produced this effect.

Looking up as Jesse joined her, she smiled slightly as he leaned forward to give her a kiss. 

"Just as if we'd never parted, it's good to see you Jesse," Eliza said.

"You're looking good Eliza, but what on earth are you doing wearing those uptight clothes.  In all the time I've known you, I don't think I've ever seen you in something like that.  It doesn't suit you," Jesse said.

Laughing out loud, Eliza told Jesse that this was the way she had gotten away from some people that seemed to be watching her place.  That the disguise seemed to have worked and hopefully she'd have an easy time getting back home also.

Jesse looked worried, asking who was watching her apartment.  "You know I don't have much time right now, Eliza, but it sure seems like we have to talk.  We have a lot to catch up on and I need to tell you some things," Jesse said.

Placing her hand on Jesse's arm, Eliza told him she'd wait until he got off from work and they'd get their catching up done.  Smiling, she said she had some things to tell him also.

They talked for a few more minutes about unimportant things and Jesse got up to leave her as the lights went up and then dimmed again in the signal that it was the bands time back on stage.

With a light caress and a smiling kiss, Jesse made his way back to the stage and joined his band-mates.  They played until closing and as they packed their gear, Jesse made his way back to where Eliza was waiting.  They headed for the door with a wave to his friends and a smile for the bouncer.

"Just like old times Eliza, to see you and Jesse leaving together," he whispered.
With a nod and a sad smile, she acknowledged what he'd said.

Walking side by side, each seemed to be waiting for the other to begin speaking.  Jesse looked at Eliza with a sad look and began.

"Its been a while hasn't it, Eliza?" he asked.  "The time just seems to fly by and then its months.  So much has happened and I don't know where to begin," he quietly said.

"Just start wherever you want to Jesse, I'm in no hurry at all," Eliza said just as quietly.

Like a bolt out of the blue, Jesse looked at her and said, "You know that Codrin is dead?"  

Eliza stopped dead in her tracks, a look of shock on her face.  "Are you sure?" was all she could say.  

"Hunters hit the restaurant on the meeting night.  The meeting was over and it was almost daybreak.  They came roaring in, full strength, and we were at our weakest.  Didn't you read about it in the paper?" Jesse asked.

Her eyes widened in shock.  "The fire," she gasped.  "The fire was it?"

Jesse nodded and pulled her arm to get her walking again.  "It was pandemonium!  I remember seeing Codrin facing them.  He grabbed a lamp and smashed it to the floor in the midst of them.  It exploded like a bomb.  I've never seen anything like it."  He paused.  "Eliza, he was magnificent!  He was in traditional dress for the meeting and he stood there, wrapped in flames, fighting like a demon.  The sprinkler system went off and the fire alarm was going crazy, but nothing could stop the blaze that he'd started.  His action allowed us to escape."  

They walked silently for a bit.  "They said it was a paraffin lamp, Eliza.  All of us were burned.  Several bodies were found but only two were identified.  I swear to you, that's the closest thing I can imagine to the guts of hell.  Sarah went back into that inferno, but as horribly as she was burned, she couldn't get near them.  She said the hunters were clawing at the walls, trying to get out.  She saw one cut his own throat to escape the pain of the fire.  She said that through it all, Codrin walked through the flames, killing everyone he touched."  

He fell silent and they walked together.  Arriving at his apartment, they went up, neither speaking, lost in their own thoughts.  Eliza broke the silence by telling Jesse about the men outside of her apartment.  His concern was immediate and when she explained about being locked in for several days he'd stood.  He'd bent and kissed her on the cheek.  "Wait," he'd whispered in her ear.  He'd vanished toward the kitchen and returned shortly carrying a tall glass.  

The aroma of warm blood hit her nostrils and she felt her fangs fully deployed of their own volition.  As Jesse handed it to her, she had to fight to not just snatch it from him.  She daintily took a sip but couldn't control herself.  She drained the glass of its warm contents, feeling a tingling life return to her.  She'd not realized how weak she had been.  She felt a trickle of blood running down her neck and she stopped it from staining her blouse by blocking it with a finger, wiping it off and then licking her finger clean.

Smiling at Jesse, she said, "Thank you, Sir.  You know how to treat a girl."  

He grinned, leaned forward and licked her neck clean of any remaining blood, playfully nipping her.  "I know," he said, "the fangs do make it difficult to drink neatly.  But you do dribble very cutely!"

Eliza grinned and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.  Holding the glass out, she looked at him pleadingly.  He laughed and took the hint, bringing her a refill.  This time she was more careful to not act like a starving animal.  "A girl's gotta have some pride," she thought to herself.   Jesse had returned to the kitchen and this time sat down two chilled glasses of plum brandy.  

They sipped the brandy and Jesse told her of the problems that the hunters had been causing.  We thought you were out of it, he'd told her.  Thinking she was safe the group, Codrin and Jesse, had figured it was better to just avoid her so that no attention would be brought her way.  They didn't realize that she was in the middle of it all.  

Vampires exist by stealth and cunning and are not by nature confrontational.  Of course they will fight to save their lives; with their strength and recuperative powers, they can be formidable foes, but they prefer to withdraw and avoid a fight.  Jesse told her that most of the group had left town.  He had already given notice at the club and would be leaving in a few days.  Eliza shook her head sadly.  "Damn!" she hissed.  "I never thought it would come to this."

Jesse put his arm around her and held her tightly.  "It always does," he said sadly.  "It always does."  He grinned.  "They don't like to think of themselves as meals and they get hostile at the idea."  Grimacing, he continued, "The problem is there is a lot more of them than there is of us.  It the old predator prey ratio, you know.  Even a wolf can't stand a stampede of sheep."  

Eliza snuggle into his arms.  It wasn't true, she knew, but she did feel safe and comfortable.  Just a few days and he'd be gone.  She turned to him and buried her face in his neck.  She said something unintelligible and hugged him.  "Hmmm," was Jesse's response.  More muffled sounds came from her.  He gently pushed her back a little so he could understand what she was saying.  Looking at her, he realized that her eyes were moist.  He gently wiped a tear from her cheek.  "Now what did you say?"

"I said I don't want to lose you."  She sniffed and wiped her face with her hand, trying to regain some control.  

Jesse hugged her to himself.  "You're not losing me," he said.  "We live a very long time you know and we will meet again.  Besides," he said squeezing her, "there's the internet, you know."  Looking into her eyes, he realized that she was not interested in long life or the internet at the moment.  Her mood had shifted and the tension that had been building within her was releasing.  Both of them were feeling the effects of the brandy.  Jesse looked at her and smiled.  The smile turned into a grin.  "Eliza," he said laughing, "you look like a librarian I once knew.  I have the feeling you're going to tell me to be quite and stop making noise."

Eliza slid onto his lap and stared into his eyes.  Slowly unbuttoning her very proper blouse, revealing her bare breasts, she said in a very husky voice, "Be quite and stop making so much noise, young man."  She pulled him to her and moaned as he took her hardening nipple into his mouth.  She clawed his back as his fangs sank into her flesh.

Sleep had come easily for the first time in weeks.  Awakening together had seemed natural and very comfortable.  She watched as he dressed, preparing for the night's gig.  "I love watching naked men get dress," she murmured with a sly grin.

He laughed and pulled the covers from her.  "And I love seeing naked Eliza."  She made no attempt to cover herself.  In fact she struck the sexiest pose she knew and smile invitingly at him.

"Oh!" he exhaled noisily. "Don't do that!  I have to go to work.  Grabbing her by an ankle he pulled her towards him.  She saw his fangs, and for the briefest moment felt a twinge of fear, but then could only squeak with pleasure at what he did.  

She lay on his bed quietly, listening to the silence.  She was still tingling but she missed him already.  And then she remembered Toby!

The groceries were exactly where she'd asked for them to be put and Toby was a happy cat with his canned food.  Sitting at her kitchen table, sipping some brandy and feeling pretty good, she looked a the card with the email address and the url printed on it.  She sighed, committing both to memory.  Standing, she held the card in the flame of the gas stove and watched it turn to ashes.  No hunter would ever get that information from her.
