Chapter 26
Like unto Like

Jesse sat in his darkened room looking deep within himself.  He worried, not about anything he could really help, but about how much he should tell her and when.  He knew she was unaware.  But he knew, oh yes he knew.  As he sat there thinking about her, he became aroused anew.  There was so much more to her, that she hadn’t discovered yet.  Their meeting was no coincidence.  It had been pre-planned a long time ago.  He let himself go back to that first sight of her, knowing the time was coming soon that she would know all.  He could reveal all.

He remembered it like it was yesterday.  He’d first seen her walking into the House of Magura.  How well he knew that particular restaurant.  With a small chuckle, he thought of Codrin fondly.  How like a father he is.  What a manipulator he is.  Grinning now, he continued to remember.  She’d looked so pretty, not as gorgeous as she did now, but well on her way.  Even then she’d been a slender little thing.  Not much over 5 foot he’d guessed then.  Of course now he knew for sure, she was 5' 3/4" tall and she was very fond of that 3/4 inch.

He laughed out loud then.  She had no idea, the changes that were taking place then, but she had slowly been finding out, ever since.  Shapely, nice proportions, her naturally pale skin taking on the pallor of the vampire.  Oh yes he knew. Again he smiled and this time the tips of his fangs showed slightly.  He also knew how she was feeling right now.

It had been a shock when he’d felt her projecting, not because it bothered him, he was already attracted, but because she didn’t see him for what he was.  The same as her.  Yet how could she, she’d not had the “teacher” for want of a better word.  He’d been the victim of hunters the same night he’d embraced Eliza.  He had been a renegade for all that.  His time had been so limited.  He’d not been able to impart all the things the fledgling vampire had needed to know, things that took “eternity” to learn.

Now, with her agreement, he hoped to be able to take on her teaching  as well as have as well as a relationship.  Codrin was good, but so very overworked.  Laughing, he thought, “as if that bothered him.”

Eliza has learned well about the speed inherent in all vampires but there was so much more.  She didn’t seem to abuse the “come hither” look.  Although she did try it on me.  Better to let her think it was that, then that I was the same as her.  It was a very public place to broach a very private matter.  Chuckling again, he thought she was going to be very surprised, when she arrived later.

He got up and started preparing the room the way he had wanted it to appear to her.  Their last meeting had been very beneficial to both.  They had gotten to know each other better, he was liking more and more what he learned.  She seemed to like him also.  Maybe like was too insipid a word.  They surely had fun in the bedroom.

The room was ready, dim lights, a single blood rose in a vase.  In another, a single white flower, not a rose, similar but not a rose.  Candles gave illumination, even though he knew her increased night vision made it look like day.

He look around, never having felt this degree of uncertainty.  Maybe it was too soon, maybe she wasn’t ready to learn the truth.  He knew though she was becoming frustrated in having to figure things out one at a time.  Eliza was impatient.  He had so many doubts though.  Foremost, how would she react?

If he could have been at Vicki’s, he would have had his doubts put to rest.


Sitting at Vicki’s table, now drinking hot tea, they had continued the discussion.  In all seriousness now, Vicki replied that if Eliza was sure that she wanted to get involved with Jesse, then she should go ahead.  I can tell you’ve already been to bed.

“Again with the damn blush,”Eliza thought.  “Yes, I told you we had. Very........nice....... what an overworked word, for such a tremendous, fantastic, wonderful experience.”

Laughing, Vicki quietly commented that Lizzy liked him, huh?

“Yes, Vicki, I think I more than “like”him,” Eliza softly said.  There is something, he draws me, pulls me to him.  It grows stronger each time we meet.  MEET, MEET, oh my god, I’m supposed to meet him across town in 10 minutes.  Frantic, Eliza jumped up and almost dropped her cup into the sink.

Vicki placed a hand on Eliza’s arm, telling her to calm down.  With a grin, Eliza complied.
“It’s a girl's prerogative to be late,”she exclaimed.  He probably expects it. Looking out the window, Eliza said, “at least the damn rain has stopped.  I didn’t relish the thought of trying to get across town in that driving rain.  Can I use your phone and call for a cab? she asked Vicki.

“Of course you can,” Vicki replied.  “You know you don’t need to ask”

Finishing the call, she grinned at Vicki, “he’ll be here in five,” she chirped.

“Nice to see you aren’t excited to be leaving, boy am I insulted,” Vicki teased.

She looked at Vicki with a serious look.  “You aren’t really, are you? You know you mean so much to me, someone I can talk with.  I’ve never had that before,” she said seriously.

With a comical leer, Vicki grinned and said, “just talk?”

“Alright, alright, I got it.  No not just talk,” Eliza laughed.  “I am serious though, you are much more to me than “just” a friend.”

Just then they both heard the horn blow.  The cab was here.  Eliza knew she had no intention of taking the cab, but it looked good and covered her tracks.

Looking at Vicki, she leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek.  Sliding the kiss till it was a full liplock.  Laughing, Eliza broke the kiss and headed out the door.  “That’s what he can expect,” she said on a chuckle.

Heading out the door, she sent a small wave back in Vicki’s direction.

She hopped in the cab, telling the driver to drive and she’d tell him where to let her off.  They drove for about two blocks when Eliza said here.  You can drop me here.  Taking the money out of her purse, she handed him the amount stated on the meter along with a small tip.

“Hey lady, you sure you really want to get out here?” he called.

“Yes, here is fine for my needs,” Eliza stated firmly.

“OK, little lady, just wanted you to know its not the nicest section of town for a pretty little thing like you,” he almost leered, but was still serious.

“I’ll be fine, more than fine, believe me,” Eliza said with a smile.  “Thanks you for your concern though,” she said as she leaned in the window.

Moving into the dark shadows, she quickly moved along the sidewalk.  When she was sure the cab had left, she moved out a bit and looked around.  “Good, no one around.”  Again looking right and left, she flickered and appeared outside Jesse’s house.

Looking down, she straightened her clothes, she hoped Jesse was fond of leather, then went up the walk and knocked on the door.  Not too bad, she thought looking at her watch.  Only fifteen minutes late.  Not bad at all.

She heard Jesse’s footsteps approach the door, then the door opened and Jesse was standing there with a smile on his face.

“Come in, come in.  Are you ready for your surprise?” he asked her.

As she went to answer, he handed her the blood red rose and drew her inside.

Looking up, she smiled and replied she was ready.

Leading her into the living area, he bade her sit and make herself comfortable.  What would she like to drink and all the hosty things people asked.  He stared appreciatively at her outfit, and she laughed to herself, thinking, “yep he likes it.”

Now that the time was here, he didn’t know how to broach the subject.  He couldn’t just pop out with by the way Eliza, I know you’re a vampire.  She’d probably pop him one.

“Jesse, why are you so nervous? Is there something wrong?  You seem upset in some way, not like the last several times we were together,” Eliza asked him with concern in her voice.

Everything is fine, Eliza, truly.  I have something to talk to you about later, though,” he replied.  “Now its time for some music, dancing and whatever else we decide on,” he added with a smile.

“Oh I like the idea of us dancing here,” Eliza replied.  “What kind of music were you going to put on, something slow and dreamy? I hope.

“Slow and dreamy it is, your wish is my command, my lady,” he laughingly said.

Taking her in his arms, they began dancing to a slow ballad.  Very dreamy, with an insistent beat.  The beat of the drums echoed through her and she found her heart beating in time to that rhythm.

She felt Jesse’s head arch down, a whisper light kiss on the top of her head.  Slowly he traced his lips down the side of her face, along her jaw-line to the side of her neck.  She could feel a tide of passion rising in her.

Suddenly her eyes snapped open, looking up at him in stunned surprise.  She could feel where he’d nipped her.  A small trickle of blood traced down her neck, stopping just shy of the neckline of the leather vest.

Still watching him warily, she saw him lick his lips and lean into her neck again.  She felt his tongue trace over the spot he’d just nipped hard enough to draw blood.  Quickly, with the lapping of his tongue, the holes closed over.

Stunned, she looked at him, face paling.  She stuttered in amazed confusion,’re
eyes, they are like mine.  I never noticed before.  But then I wasn’t looking at your eyes,” she said in a half serious way.  She saw what she’d missed before.  There were the very tips of some serious looking fangs.

“OH MY GOD,” she exclaimed.  “’’re a vampire too??  Why didn’t I know, how come I didn’t know,” she asked in confusion.

Jesse replied with a slow sexy smile, “does it bother you, can you deal with the knowledge that I, a vampire, is attracted to you, a vampire.  I am, very attracted, Eliza,” he calmly said.  “I’ve not felt this way in many, many years. Yes, I’ve been a vampire longer than you’ve been around.  I was embraced at this age, so my looks stayed the same.  We age at a slower pace than humans.

Suddenly, his voice was inside her head.  Saying things that made her want to melt.  Her eyes  widened as she listened not to his normal voice, but the voice of mind to mind, soul to soul and heart to heart.
