How to Write a Basic OO Calc Macro

I am not a whiz or object oriented programmer, but I just went through the process of trying to get a macro up and running in open office calc and my experiences may help you.  Check out the wiki for more detail:

Basically, object oriented programming has its own vocabulary, a few terms you need to know.  An object has characteristics and is a way of accessing and modifying data.  There is a hierarchical naming convention that is “dot” notation.    The basic item is the class, followed by object.  A Calc document has sheets, sheets have cells, and cells have characteristics.  A cell is accessed and modified by methods.  Every language has it's nomenclature of access, and since I know and used basic to write my macros, that's what I'm going to refer to. And maybe an example will clarify this babble.

In basic format code:

Dim Doc As Object      ' Name the class (document) – top level
Dim Sheet As Object    ' Name the sheet
Dim Cell As Object       ' pointer to a specific cell
Doc = ThisComponent    ' ThisComponent is a reserved word and this loads the address in the variable doc
Sheet = Doc.Sheets(0)    ' Sheets is a reserved word
    ' This loads sheet with the address of a specifc sheet in doc.

Basic addressability has now been established and the basic routines can now be written.  It seems that the above code needs to be supplied in the routine that uses it and did not, for me, work in the global area.  

Here is code that works for me:

Some comments:  Variable definitions above the first sub are global to all subroutines.  This can be bad code, so use it cautiously.  If option explicit is not specified, dynamic assignment of variables is allowed.  This is NOT a good idea and can lead to code confusion that can be almost impossible to debug.    

'Zero Expense and adjust Start Date

dim permo as object
dim target as object
dim today as object
dim tgtday
dim row as integer
dim col as integer

Sub Main
    Dim Doc As Object:Dim Sheet As Object:Dim Cell As Object  
    Doc = ThisComponent:Sheet = Doc.Sheets(0)
    for row=1 to 26
        if Sheet.getCellByPosition(7,row).value<>0 then ' Expense
End Sub

Sub Modify
    Dim Doc As Object:Dim Sheet As Object:Dim Cell As Object  
    Doc = ThisComponent:Sheet = Doc.Sheets(0)
    PerMo=Sheet.getCellByPosition(2,row) 'col D
    Target=Sheet.getCellByPosition(6,row) ' col G (formula)
    today=Sheet.getCellByPosition(8,1) ' I2 (calc date)
'    cell=Sheet.getCellByPosition(4,row) 'col E
'    cell.value=TgtDay    '(date format)
    Sheet.getCellByPosition(4,row).value=TgtDay ' date format
    Sheet.getCellByPosition(7,row).string="" ' Clear Expense
End Sub
Thats the code.  Here are some useful examples.
Dim Doc As Object
Dim Sheet As Object
Dim Cell As Object   
Doc = ThisComponent
Sheet = Doc.Sheets(0)
Cell = Sheet.getCellByPosition(0, 0)
Cell.Value = 100
Cell = Sheet.getCellByPosition(0, 1)
Cell.String = "Test"
Cell = Sheet.getCellByPosition(0, 2)
Cell.Formula = "=A1"

MsgBox Cell.Value