Chapter 27
(Follow Up)

    The chirping of his phone's personalized ring tone awakened Luke.  He sat up, instantly alert, picked up his phone and nodded, flipping it open.  "Yes, Colonel," he answered, almost seeming to stand at attention, even though he was seated in bed.
    "I'm glad to hear that they are all doing well, and I'll admit that it did not go quite as planned, and that way my fault, Sir."
    He nodded.  "I had no idea of her capabilities or of how involved she was in this.  I knew she had some heavy duty connections, but now I'm almost wondering if she is their connection."  He smiled at the thought of tiny little Eliza being a heavy duty connection.
    "No, Sir, she has no idea that this was as deeply planned as it was.  She's under the impression that I'm strictly independent and for profit.  I'd like to continue that facade, if I may." 
    He listened for a few moments, then replied, "OK, Sir.  Yes, I killed three of them.  I had to shoot the first one to prevent the girl's murder.  Eliza was ready to take him out by the time I got my shot off."  He paused.  "No, Sir, I have no idea how she got down there so fast...."  He cut himself off in mid sentence, paused and then continued: "Ah, at that point things got a bit confused.  Eliza was killing them faster than I could fire.  She got ten of them, I shot three."  He made a face and shook his head.  "Yes, Sir, I'm telling you a girl with a knife, two knives actually, did more damage than I did with a sniper rifle and a scope."  Luke's expression was not happy.
    He put on his blue tooth and walked to the kitchen to pour a cup of freshly brewed coffee.  The aroma had informed him that the pot had gone through its programmed brew cycle. 
    "No, Sir, I'm not sure what the next step is.  I was hoping to get some information from the girls we rescued, or can your end handle that?"  He listened.  "Yes, Sir, I'll ask Eliza if she has a direction she wants to pursue.  You do not interrogate Eliza!"  Luke smiled.  "I came to her on the recommendation of Detective Burns, remember.  I think that role is still the best approach.  Sam did say she was 'Hell on Wheels' and that she was very good at what she did."  Luke took a long sip of his black coffee and smiled. 
    "Yes, Sir, you did wake me up and the coffee is good!"  His face reddened.  "Sir, a gentleman does not kiss and tell!"  He laughed at the reply.  "In this case, I think it's wise to be the gentleman!" Luke nodded.  Yes, Sir, I'll keep you informed, and thank you for the prompt information."
    He closed his phone and took a long pensive sip of coffee.  He was almost disappointed that Eliza wasn't still in his bed, but that would have been awkward.  The Colonel would have figured that out in milliseconds.  He was spooky the way he could read people.  Luke grinned.  "I bet Eliza would send his meters off of the dial!"  Luke's grin widened even further at that thought.

    Eliza rolled over and grunted, struggling to her feet.  Her apartment was deliciously cool, and her new heavy drapes were very effectively blocking any errant sunlight.  She patiently waited for the "ding" of the microwave oven to properly warm her ginger tea.  She brewed it in advance and made it very spicy.  It just seemed a nicer way to start the morning, day actually, Eliza was not a morning vampire, than a Bloody Mary or even just coffee. 
    She lit the monitor on her computer and connected to the local news radio station.  Quickly scanning the headlines, she found no mention of any event at Baynard's, last night.  The top of the hour was rapid approaching, so he connected to their live stream and sat back, listening to the local news. 
    Still nothing.  She frowned in confusion.  The last time she had her party there, it had made the news.  It was quickly suppressed and written of as a kids party that was attacked by wild dogs, but it had been reported.  She leaned back and took a long draw on her ginger tea.
    Luke's computer sounded his email alert.  He freshened his coffee and opened the incoming document.  It was from the Colonel and encrypted.  Luke had upgraded his email program and encryption was fully supported on this version.  He clicked the decrypt button and smiled as it turned to clear text.  It started, military fashion:

To:Luke Kohl
Sb: Operation summary

See Attached.

    Luke snorted.  No from, no date AND encrypted.  The attached was a PDF file.  He copied it to his encrypted space and opened it.  All that he'd related to the Colonel was there, along with the observations of the helicopter crew.  Much to his surprise, they made no mention of seeing Eliza.  Luke grunted.  "Nobody's that good!"  He smiled.  "Or at least I didn't think they were."
    "Whoa!"  He leaned forward reading that an interview with the three girls revealed that two of the where from Slovakia., the third, the one being raped, was a local girl.  One of the helicopter team had served in Prague and could pass in Slovak.  The girls had been sex slaves for a couple of years, and had been sold to an American.  That night, they had been drugged and told they were going to a 'party' and to be nice to the paying customers.  They had no idea that they were going to be violently raped and then killed.  Their biggest concern was that they'd be sent back to Slovakia, where they'd just end back in slavery. 
    "That is not going to happen," he muttered through gritted teeth.  He dashed off a document to Eliza further summarizing what the Colonel had sent to him.  He smiled as he connected to an ftp server and directly up loaded the document.  He'd rather have encrypted it, but they'd never discussed that level of security.  The FTP thing wasn't bad as long as the server was tight.  Still, he worded what he'd written very carefully.

    Eliza's computer's obnoxious FTP alarm sounded, startling her.  A file had been received on her remote site and had been transferred to her PC.  She smiled.  That was not a common occurrence.  Sam Burns had used it once, but no one else.  It had to be Luke.  Eliza rushed to read what she'd received.
    After reading Luke's summary, she was furious.  This was not just a little local thing with some pedophiles doing pay for play, this was a lot bigger.  It spanned nations.  "What do I have, here, in my back yard," she wondered. 
    The FTP alarm sounded a second time.  She loaded the new file.  It was a text document and it contained a phone number, an email address, and a note the said, "Get PGP," and some text that contained some weird looking text that started as:

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (MingW32)


    Eliza laughed.  She'd loaded GnuPG some time ago.  She'd never really used it, just never having the need.  She composed a reply that included her public key and sent it to him.  The reply included:  "If you really want to be safe, encrypt and load it to the FTP server.  That way, no one can even trace the final destination."  In a second encrypted message, she included the number of a disposable cell phone she owned.  "We need to be able to communicate more readily," she thought, picking up that cell phone and dialing the number he'd given her. 
    Eliza smiled as he answered the phone with, "Is that you?" 
    "I'm me and I'm pretty sure that you are you, but I'm not sure if I'm the 'me' you're expecting.  For all I know, you have ladies calling you twenty four hours a day."
    Luke burst out laughing.  "Not even in my wildest dreams.  After our party, last night, I'm not feeling any needs!"
    Eliza grinned.  "Just which party are you referring to?  We had two, you know."  Eliza looked almost guilty.  "Three," she thought, "but you don't really remember the third one!"
    Luke coughed and hesitated.  "Ah, both were quite memorable.  I slept in until almost noon, when the damn phone awakened me."  He cleared his throat.  "I was having some interesting dreams." He coughed again and continued more seriously: "You realize we've kicked open a bee's nest, don't you?"
    "When you told me about the international connection, I did get that idea," she replied.  "Those poor girls.  AND," she emphasized, "you will not allow them be deported, do yo hear me?  If there's a problem, I will make sure they never have to go back there.  You just let me know, and I'll arrange the best care possible for them, starting with state of the art psychological counseling."
    "Right now, they are getting state of the art care," Luke admitted.  My friends, the one's that arranged the helicopter pickup, are dealing with that."
    "Ah, yes!  Those helicopters.  I don't remember them being part of the game plan, now that you mention them."
    "Oh, shit!" Luke thought. "Me and my big mouth."  Aloud:  "After our last meeting, I figured a little back up might not hurt.  I had no idea of how it was going to go down, but you did impress me about the Deacon's capabilities."
    "I see," Eliza said, slowly.  "And would those black helicopters be the reason that I've heard nothing on the news about last night?"
    "They did sort of clean up," Luke admitted.
    "I see.  They just happened to have dust pans, brooms and body bags.  Dude, there is a crap load that your are not telling me, and I think I need to hear most of it. What do you say, Sweety?"  On the last sentence, she used her sexiest, sweetest voice, but Luke could clearly hear the deadly intensity below the facade. 
    "Look, Eliza, I'm sorry, but I had my instructions and there were things I couldn't tell you.  Almost all of what I did say was true.  I am an ex-marine, and served in special forces doing just what I said.  I am no longer on active duty, ah, officially, but I have friends who are supporting me in my continuing efforts in the rescue area.  When I'm hired for a rescue, I may make money.  Other times, I'm allocated funds from a MARSOC special budget.  I need that cash flow, so I do play nice with them.  Besides, the guy I report to is a good friend who actually has saved my life.  I totally respect and trust him."
    Silence stretched for some time, neither speaking.  Finally Eliza spoke.  "I think I believe you.  We did good, last night.  Not good enough, but we learn from our mistakes.  We both made some, last night."
    Luke smiled, relief evident in his voice.  "You're right, Eliza.  That was a learning experience.  We'll do better next time."
    "I just have one problem," Eliza said. 
    "One?" Luke shot back.
    "You've checked me out, right," Eliza asked. 
    "Of course."
    "What did you find."
    Luke chuckled.  "Not much.  There is that very curious time when you seemed to vanish for several years, and then you show up here.  Eliza Radu, the librarian, seems like a rather boring fifty-some year old spinster and no one could say differently.  Then, there is the Eliza that I know.  There is the Eliza that Sam Burns told me to contact.  I don't know what to think about her, and I'm not sure that she exists."
    "And what do you think about all that," Eliza asked.
    "Well, my first guess is that you are hiding.  I'm not sure from what, and I don't think it's government sponsored.  Part of your life is an open book, and then there's this other person, and that person does not officially exist.  Honestly, I don't know what to think."
    "Suppose I told you that there is a reason I want to not be found.  Can you respect that or do I have to vanish from you?"
    "You know," Luke said, "I suspect you could do that, but I also know it's a pain to do so and that you're comfortable here.  For the moment, take my word that you have no need to vanish.  No one is interested in your situation.  You are not on our radar."
    "OK, I'll go with that, for the moment," Eliza replied.  "When do you want to get together and pursue this further?"
    "How's nine o'clock, tonight, my place," Luke asked.
    "That works for me.  Have plenty of wet, cold, and alcoholic, OK?" 
    "I'll see what I can do," Luke answered.  "No problem. "

    "Now that was an interesting conversation," Eliza mused.  "His story sounds good, but how long will I be off their, whoever they are, radar?  I'm not sure this is good for my health, but I want to see the Deacon die a painful death and his business rot in hell with him.  These folks may be able to do that."  She shrugged.  "If my cover gets blown, and I have to move, that's bound to happen sooner or later anyway.  It might as well be in a good cause."
    Luke sat,  absentmindedly scratching the two little red marks on his neck.  "I think that went rather well," he thought.  "She's really quick and rational.  Tonight should be interesting."  He smiled, "I'd better stock up on the rum.  That woman can drink!"

    Duk, at the far end of Chains, smiled as he saw Eliza walking towards him.  Her body language told him that she was troubled.  That was unusual.  Eliza could face death and not look troubled.  He wondered what was eating her.
    "Hey there, short quart, he greeted her as she approached."
    "Hey, you old quack, how's it going," she shot back.
    "You look troubled, Darling.  What's bothering you?"
    "Get right to the point, don't you Duk-man and  yes, Something is bothering me.  Have you heard any rattles about Baynard's," she said in a low voice. 
    Duk handed her a tall cold brew and leaned towards her, speaking lowly.  "The black helicopter and tin-foil hat set is all atwitter.  Please tell me you're not involved it that."
    Eliza took a sip and then a long pull.  "Wish I could, but I think I might be.  What are they saying?"
    Duk grunted.  "Scuttlebutt is that there was a human sacrifice and that black helicopters swooped in and abducted everyone."
    Eliza shook her head.  "Where does this stuff come from?  If everyone was abducted, how do they know what happened?"
    Duk stared at her, one eyebrow raised.  "You know something, you little witch.  You know something." 
    "Well, yea," she said grinning.  "I killed them all before the black helicopters took the bodies away.  I must have let one get away to tell the story, though."
    Duk stared at her smiling.  "Lizzy, you are going to be the death of me yet.  You can say some of the most absurd crap with a straight face.  Actually, I think the story originated in the Deacon's Liberated Light Temple.  One of the children told the story to a neighbor kid and it spread."
    Eliza nodded.  "Makes sense.  And you figured this out, how and why?"
    "Let's just say, if there are black helicopters buzzing around my turf, I want to know about it.  In fact, I really don't care what color they are.  I want to know about them."
    She smiled.  "I can relate to that desire.  That could be really bad for business."
    Duk nodded.  "Very, but what got you curious about the area, since you'd not heard the story.  What tumbled you to that area?"
    Eliza jumped up, staring at the wall clock.  "Damn! I am late!  Gotta run."  She made a hasty exit towards the door.  Duk stood and shouted in frustration, "Eliza!"
    She stopped dead, and turned to face him.  Carefully pronouncing the words so he could read her lips, she mouthed, "I told you the truth."  She briefly enjoyed the look on his face, then wheeled and headed toward Luke's apartment.

    There was a chilled bottle of Pernod and a bowl of ice, flanked by two cut class tumblers on either side on the low table.  Silver tongs in the bowl of ice added a nice finishing touch to the scenario.  Eliza's light tap on the door put a smile on Luke's face.  "She's prompt," he observed.
    He opened the door for her and stood aside so she could come in.  She immediately focused on the table and the Pernod.  "Oh, I like it!  We cannot let all that good ice just melt, now can we," she asked grinning at him.
    "Be seated, my lady, and it'll be my pleasure to serve you," Luke replied.  "Your satisfaction is my only goal, tonight."
    Eliza grinned at him, just a bare hint of fang showing.  "Be careful what you wish for.  You might get it."  She smiled, making him wonder what she really meant.  "One cube of ice, then to here," she said putting her finger about three quarters of the way up the glass. 
    The clink of the ice cube into the glass was a refreshing sound.  The amber Pernod began to melt the ice and the reaction produced the milky swirls that she loved to watch.  Luke prepared one for himself.  They faced each other and toasted and sipped the cold, refreshing liquorish flavored beverage. 
    "OK, one more cube and top this one off, OK?"  Eliza smiled. 
    "Works for me." He quickly complied.  "You look good, tonight.  The white silk shows your figure to advantage." 
    Eliza had carefully chosen a spot on the couch where the light was slightly behind her.  She was well aware of how translucent the silk became at that angle.  "Why thank you, Luke," she responded, reaching for her drink, sitting up straight and lifting and slowly sipping, knowing she was presenting a picture perfect silhouette that he'd remember for a long time.  She smiled, thinking: "If you got it, flaunt it."  Then she added, "Especially if it gets you some good Pernod and maybe a little snack, later." 
    Luke made no pretense on not noticing.  When she lowered her drink, he nodded.  "Yes, you do have what it takes.  I swear you get better looking every time I see you!"
    "Thank you, Luke.  I think it's just because I grow on people."  She smiled.  "Gotta know me to love me!"  She was very aware of how right he was.  She been carefully feeding a little each day and making it a point to get a really good feed at least once a week.  She was feeling better and look healthier than she had in many months. 
    Nodding, Luke replied, "Then I must be getting to know you rather well."  The realizing how that sounded, he coughed and finished his drink.  He busied himself building another and freshened hers.
    Eliza took a deep breath.  "I think there may be a problem."  Luke looked up and waited.  "There are rumors that three was a human sacrifice at Baynard's and that black helicopters abducted everyone." 
    Luke's eyes widened.  "You have to be kidding.  That's not possible."
    "It gets even stranger," Eliza added.  "The word is that this rumor started in the Deacon's Liberated Light Temple.  One of the children told the story to a neighbor kid and it spread.  I'm wondering if they know in advance or if some kid sneaked out and wanted to watch.  Maybe he just caught the end or got scared away before getting close enough to see what happened."
    "Could be," Luke responded.  "Either that or we were compromised, somehow.  I can't imagine how that could happen.  These guys were hand picked."
    "My first thought was we'd been compromised, but the story is so out there that it really doesn't make sense.  Now, I just don't know."  She paused and took another sip of the Pernod.  "I think you need to bounce it off of your guy, by the way, I'm assuming he's a guy."
    "Yes," Luke answered smiling.  "He's a guy.  You can call him Colonel.  I do."
    "OK, Colonel, it is.  Is he really a Colonel?"
    "He really is."
    "And you?" she asked.
    "Me?  When I was active, I was a Captain.  I got caught cleaning some messes up with unauthorized force, and the Colonel got me a medical discharge, a small pension and a clean record."
    Eliza grimaced.  "You kill them, you're a war criminal.  A bunch of old men in black dresses do it and it's justice.  Makes me sick, sometimes."
    Luke leaned forward and kissed her pouting lips.  "I knew I liked you for a reason.  You are my kinda girl!"  He sat back and stared at her.  "Did I mention that you are quite handy with those knives of yours.  Where did you learn how to do what you did?"
    "I had some very good teachers!  I also studied very hard to learn what I needed to learn to do what I needed to do."  Eliza smiled.
    "Then I don't suppose you could teach me," he asked.
    Eliza shook her head.  "I'm not able to teach at the level you'd need to master these skills.  You probably already know what I'd be able to teach you.  Just because you can do something does not mean you can teach it."
    "True," he said.  He sighed.  "My loss."  He busied himself making another round of drinks.
    "Do you have a direction you think we should pursue, now," Luke asked.
    Eliza nodded.  "Actually, I do.  I'm going to find the kid who started this rumor and recruit him or her.  Then we'll have a conduit to inside information."
    "Um hmm," Luke responded.  "Just like that."
    Eliza smiled.  "Well, I didn't say it was going to be easy.  I just said I was going to do it."
    Luke narrowed his eyes and stared at her.  "I think you just might.  So far, you've delivered at least as much as you've promised." He nodded.  "And if you can do that, we really will be able to make some solid plans.  I'm guessing that since no one really knows what happened out there, they may keep going.  It is a great location for that sort of thing.  Easily the best around."
    Eliza sipper her drink.  "I think I'm getting tipsy," she said.  "I just saw two drinks in my hand... well, hands.  I was sort of blurry."
    Luke laughed.  "You should be getting tipsy.  We've killed an entire bottle of ninety proof Pernod, and you've been out drinking me about two to one!  I'm 190 pounds and you are just a little bitty thing!"
    Eliza smiled.  “I bet you're getting me drunk just so you can have your way with me,” she giggled. 
    “Ah, Eliza, I wish!  But I've seen you in action.  I'll bet you have at least three knives hidden in that,” he smiled, “oh so revealing outfit!”
    She stuck her tongue out at him.  “I have four!”  Before he could follow what she was doing, four knives of varying lengths appeared on the table next to the ice cubes.  “Now, I'm totally unarmed.  Feel safe enough to assault me yet?”
    Luke looked at her and marveled.  “Lady, I'd never assault.  Hug you, cuddle you, make you feel like the desirable lady you actually are, all of those.  But assault, never!”  He smiled at her, his demeanor quite different from normal.
    Eliza smiled and leaned forward so she could kiss him, which she did very thoroughly.  She put her weight on him, forcing him back onto the couch, not that he resisted.  As the kiss  became more intense, he realized that he was holding an arm full of naked Eliza.  He wasn't sure when or how that had happened, but it didn't seem to be a problem.
    Some may call it fate, but what happened the rest of the night was rather predictable.  And very exhausting for both of them. 

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